Jun E Caniel

When It Doesn’t Come Fast Enough

In Daily Inspiration, Motivational Speaking, Thoughts, Uncategorized on January 17, 2013 at 7:21 pm

Truly, it can be a struggle when we step out on our own and pursue our vision.  Words like frustrated, tired, stressed and why are used very frequently.  “Why don’t we ever seem to have enough?”  “I want to be successful so bad and I’m frustrated because we aren’t getting there fast enough!”

Indeed, it’s a trying time.  How do we stay focused on the positives?  How can we keep ourselves from falling into a state of utter frustration for a prolonged period of time?  The first step would be to take a look at ourselves and give an accurate and honest evaluation.  We have to figure out where we need improvement and put a plan of action into place through which we can make those improvements. Then, we act.

Next, take a look at all successes and progress, no matter how small they seem.  Have mini celebrations.  Praise ourselves for our accomplishments thus far.  We must never discount how far we have come.

ImageThe most significant thing we must do is take control of our thoughts.  We should focus on our plan of action and the positives at all times.  What good will it do to wallow in frustration and thoughts of our perceived lack?  Lets put all of our energy and thoughts into the positive and making things happen to get closer to our goals.  Following our dreams is really a simple game.  Make no mistake, for it is not always easy, but it is never as difficult as it may seem.  We must exercise some form of patience.  This does not mean we sit and wait, this means we are actively working. ImageAs we actively wait for our success, we should never be discouraged when it seems to be slow in coming.  This is the time we continue to prepare ourselves for our ultimate level of success.  This is the time when it is most important to keep our eyes steadily looking at the vision.  Let us continue to push forward to our goals and dreams!  See you at the top!


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